
An SMEs perspective during the COVID-19 Pandemic


At the end of every year, in December to be precise, our company’s ritual is to shut down the office for about two weeks around the Christmas and New Year holidays. We view this time as a time to sit back, relax from the Lagos hustle and bustle and reflect on the year while planning for the upcoming year.

An SMEs perspective during the COVID-19 Pandemic2020-11-07T06:41:53+00:00

A Customer Service Experience


What comes to mind when you hear “Customer Service”? Someone behind a desk taking phone calls or someone on the other end of the phone answering questions? Customer service should not be viewed as a “job” but a “quality” everyone should possess no matter your job description be it selling recharge cards on the street or selling a product or service within the confines of an office. 

A Customer Service Experience2020-11-07T07:44:08+00:00

Win With Yourself


People matter – it is no surprise therefore that at the heart of every significant success or woeful failure is a great relationship or a damaged one, respectively. Success therefore lies in your ability to win with people – your clients, prospects, colleagues, staff members, regulators, everyone and anyone. But before we start looking out to win with people, an important first step is to WIN with OURSELVES!

Win With Yourself2020-11-07T07:05:18+00:00